Is Blind Dating A Good Option?

By Khesigga Sugumaran – 15 February 2021 @ 1:00pm

Must-Read: Listing The Pros And Cons Of Blind Dating | The Brunette Diaries

We all want to meet that special someone; we usually try to do that at work, bars and cafes, but in the end, in many cases, the people we meet are not worthy of our attention. Even though we are spending so much time online, whether we’re working, doing some shopping or browsing through those matchmaking websites, we are still not so lucky to find a person with whom we can have a proper date with. So, where does that leave us? Do we become desperate enough to go for blind dating? Do we let our friends and family introduce us to someone they believe would be a good match for us?

Is a blind dating a good option? Let’s find out. People have different opinions whether blind dating is a good idea or not, and to go with that, different experiences. Some of them have found the love of their lives and some of them wished they had never gone out on that disastrous date. Blind dating has its pros and cons, and if you decide to try it out, there are certain things you need to avoid when you actually go out with someone you have never met before in your life.

Why Can A Blind Date Be A Good Option?

I know that bling dating can be a little nerve-wracking, but in many cases, people who went on blind dates actually ended up in long-term relationships, so it cannot be all that bad, right? Based on other people’s experiences there are times when a blind date can actually be a good thing, for example, if you are extremely busy and don’t really have the time to go out and look for that special someone, it would be easier if someone would just set you up.

This way, you will meet people who are not already in your life, but have similar interests, because so many people you know either from work, or family and friends, can set you up, the possibilities can be endless. You know what they say, sometimes other people know us better than we know ourselves.

Believe it or not, you might even have a lot of fun when on a blind date, and even if this person you are going to meet isn’t exactly a good match for you, you can still have a good time and perhaps make a new friend. Why not? One of the best things that can happen when on a blind date is scoring a free meal. Imagine the possibilities, meeting a soulmate and free food – that sounds perfect to me.

Believe it or not, you can find out a lot about their personality depending on what food they order. Having in mind all of this and knowing that blind dating isn’t exactly the same as you see it in the movies, one more thing you need to know is that no harm will be done if you don’t click with the person you were on the date with. So no awkward situations – yay!

Why Can A Blind Date Be A Bad Idea?

Although good things can happen on a blind date, have in mind that not everything can work out well in the end. So, it is no surprise that many people share the opinion that a blind date can be a disaster and recommend that you completely avoid it if that is possible. It is not excluded that you will lose several hours of your life which you will want back, and with someone who wasn’t inspiring at all, had some really bad jokes and was not very pleasant. You might get the feeling that your friends don’t really know you that well, since they are the ones who have set you up.

So, always look for those warning signs, if the people who are setting you up are saying that the person you are going to meet is great, funny, cute and so on, you cannot help but wonder what is wrong with them, since they are agreeing to go on a blind date.

Although you have the option of not calling that person ever again, you may end up with a needy and clingy individual who might insist on seeing you again and be a little annoying in their wish, so be careful, polite, but in the same time firm when letting them know that you are not interested, so that you don’t end up with a person who can be a little psycho. But don’t worry, the chances of that happening are really small, maybe one in a million.

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